I have been following a few blogs for the past few years and finally I am going to learn how to do it. My assistant Amy actually does all the behind the scenes work thank goodness. Right now I think the best blog out there is the one Laura Allen does. Since I write textbooks you would think I would be able to blog. Blogging to me is a way to provide current information that seems important at least to me and to have some fun with as well. My hobby is backyard habitat gardening and today there were three different kinds of swallowtail butterflies in the yard. That makes me happy. My yard is small so it is a real challenge to create habitat. Everything needs specific conditions to thrive. I am also and always working on textbook revisions. Textbook writing is like my garden. It has to be tended or the information will date. I have to consider all of the input from reviewers and stay up to date on the research and trends. The size of a book is limited just like my garden so for every revision it is necessary to do some weeding, dig up and divide areas that are crowded, prune back and plant new stuff. My passion is massage education and my intention is to provide materials and training for the next generation of leaders and teachers. I have my massage clients-mostly professional athletes and their families and I have my school where I have purposely downsized so I can directly teach every entry-level and advanced student. Classes are small and I expect excellence from the students because to me they are the seeds for the future. Some will sprout, some with not. Some will thrive and others will struggle, but just like my garden- I can do the work myself and you would be surprised how much production takes place. My larger stage is the textbooks I write for Elsevier/Mosby publishing. I feel so blessed to be able to touch so many massage students, teachers and therapists through the books. I am sure as I get more experienced at this blogging process that I will expand on the textbook writing process.
I teach continuing education workshops at my school and when I am asked I will travel and present continuing education workshops. When I do this I want small groups because in the short time available I can share as much of my thirty years of experience as possible with each participant.
Part of my garden |
I am very involved in the future development of massage therapy. To me this is the soil for the seeds I plant by doing, teaching and writing about massage. The massage garden soil is a little rocky right now and there are lots of things attempting to grow in the same spot. There needs to be some work done in this garden for sure. However with a little transplanting, weeding, pruning, and compost I believe the massage future is beautiful.
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