This blog is prompted by some discussions on Facebook and some discussion I have had with my graduates who are working a various spas and franchises. The perpetuating issue of myths related to massage affects is challenging many of our beliefs about massage therapy. There are other rules out there as well. For example:
Never break contact with your client once the
massage has begun
You have to use long strokes to make the massage
experience relaxing
You have to put your table low to get more
Massage strokes must go toward the heart
The client is disturbed if you move them around
during the massage
And well I am sure you have some to mention as well.
This reminds me of a story: A person always cut a ham in
half before putting in the pan to bake.
One day someone asked them why they did that? The reply was-because my
mother always did it that way. Later when asking mother why she cut the ham in
half before putting it in the pan she said,” had to cut it in half or it would
not fit in the pan I used.”
The rules that I want to challenge in this blog are related
to how massage therapists are hurting themselves attempting to comply with the
rules. I also hold us mature educators out there accountable for perpetuating
these out of date and potentially harmful rules. I challenge all of us to take inventory of
what we do during massage and then answer these questions:
Why am I doing this?
Does this increase the likelihood that the client’s goals
will be met?
Where did I learn this?
I this approach making me bend over, reach, twist, bend my
knees to far or in other words hurting me to do it?
What is this method supposed to do?
What physiologic function does this method mimic?
Am I just mindlessly rubbing?
Listen everyone: just because someone taught you something
does not mean it is correct. Long
standing rules about how to do massage need to be challenged. Just because something has been done a
certain way for a long time does not mean it is the best way to accomplish the
Feeling safe
Feeling connect to another
Nothing abrupt, surprising or startling
Slow rhythms, i.e. music if enjoyed, slow massage
(not so slow you need time lapsed photography to see it)
Nothing painful
Being warm
Being quiet
Being rocked
Moderate pressure- not light and not deep and no
poking or tickling
Smooth transitions from one part of the body to
Time –about 45 minutes
Full body approach- for goodness sake only spend
about 15 minutes on the back if even that much.
You get the idea. And where do these elements require long
sweeping strokes that make the massage therapist bend over and reach.
I expect some reading this have their fascia in a
twist. If that is the case then meditate
on the picture of my garden and then we need to get over ourselves and take
responsibility to prepare the next generation of massage therapist using our
wisdom and experience and not our outdated rules.
"I expect some reading this have their fascia in a twist." I do very much like this!
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing on this topic. Hopefully, sometime soon, everyone can get over themselves, and we can have a conversation for the betterment of the industry.
Beautiful picture, by the way. I love working in my garden.