I have been thinking a lot about the current state of the massage therapy community. Over all I think we are moving in the right direction. Here are some events that I support with --of course-- editorial comment. Also some needed areas for improvement.
I support ELAP--elapmassage.org. The 6th edition of Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage and the 5th edition of Essential Sciences came out this May.
I was meticulous to make sure ELAP curriculum recommendations are covered. The more I work with the ELAP documents I am confident that the content should be the platform for ALL entry level education for massage therapy.
I also support COMTA's curriculum endorsement program.
Students and schools can now look for a “seal-of-approval” to symbolize excellence: COMTA-Endorsed Curriculum. This innovative new status can stand on its own or be a pathway toward accreditation. Students get peace of mind knowing their program fulfills national competencies, while schools show their professionalism in voluntarily earning this meaningful designation. Better education will make for better graduates–leaving our profession in good hands for the future.
I support the Massage Therapy Foundation, the Samueli Institute and AMTA and the initiative taken to reach out to experts and complete a high quality Meta Analysis and Systematic Review of massage therapy and pain.
I also support ANN BLAIR KENNEDY and the work she has done with the best practises data. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=T-lgyJcAAAAJ&hl=en
I support the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education http://www.afmte.org/
Join us for the 2017 Biennial Educational Congress
hosted by The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education
The 2017 theme is “Elevating Standards of Excellence.” The second Educational Congress will take place over five days at the end of July 2017 in Tucson, Arizona. In addition to the pre- and post-conference events, the exhibit hall, keynote, and general and breakout sessions are scheduled for July 27, 28, and 29.
I support the current direction of the NCBTMB including Board Certification partnerships for college credit for associates and bachelor's degrees http://www.ncbtmb.org/college-partners/ncbtmb-college-partners
and development of specialty certificates. http://www.ncbtmb.org/specialty-certificates/specialty-certificates
I strongly encourage NCBTMB to maintain tight control over the specialty certificate educational partners continuing the process of working with organizations instead of individual educators while at the same time carefully expanding access to course availability.
The AMTA and any other organizations that provide statistics about massage therapy income need to change how they report. AMTA is especially confusing in how it reports income data. Graduates and current massage therapists as well as employers cannot accurate use the data to be informed about income. Currently via AMTA reports income yearly is around $25,000.
Same for employers especially the Franchises-- it is ethically responsible to report average income not only the highest possible income.
It is time to STOP bashing the Franchise system of massage delivery and all work together for improvement. The massage community is shifting to employment versus self employment and these are two very different career pathways.
Massage Therapy delivered in the medical setting is not more valid than massage delivered in the wellness setting.
Massage therapy is a built on a platform of health care-- especially is terms of quality of life and well being. The delivery of massage therapy for this major sector is outside of the medical setting. Massage in the medical setting is not more valuable nor does it increase the validity of massage therapy. It is one emerging setting. The major care process in a medical setting such as a hospital is palliative care for a short duration since people do not stay in the hospital for long periods. This offering of massage is important however the medical setting does not lend itself to health maintenance especially condition management of chronic conditions.
I continue to plead for an independent ergonomics and bio mechanical analysis for massage therapy practise.
Of course there is more but this is enough for now.
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