I also stretched the text a bit to include content related
to other ancient healing systems such as TCM (traditional Chinese
medicine). The intent has been to
compare and contrast terminology and find the overlap in content. For example, there is a correlation between
nerve locations and meridian locations. Yin and Yang describe similar functions
as Sympathetic and Parasympathetic ANS functions and Law of Five Elements is similar
in function to feedback loops and homeostatic mechanisms. I also included similar comparison to Ayurveda. There are actually many ways to describe
physiological function. However, the
bulk of the content over the years remain western based science and how a
massage therapist uses the information during professional practice.
Essentials is an important word in the title. There are volumes
of information about anatomy and physiology and believe me, I have searched
through a lot of it over the years. However, a massage therapist need the
information presented as it relates to their professional practice. So, I have sifted and sorted to identify the
most relevant information for our work balanced with what is necessary for
interaction with other health professionals and what may appear on licensing
exams. What appears in the textbook is
the most important content for massage therapy practice as well as a general
over view of anatomy and physiology to create a well-rounded learning
Essential Sciences is not just an anatomy and physiology
textbook. The entire title is: Mosby's Essential Sciences for Therapeutic
Massage: Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, and Pathology. Biomechanics includes the broad spectrum of bones,
joints, muscles as found in most anatomy textbook but Essentials goes one step
further and comprehensively explores kinesiology and biomechanics.
Often, the words kinesiology and biomechanics are used
interchangeably, which can be confusing. There are similarities and
differences, including that they can be defined several ways. Definitions are
as follows:
• The study
of movement that blends anatomy, physiology, physics, and geometry and relates
them to human movement.
• The
science dealing with the interrelationship of anatomy and the physiology of the
body with respect to movement.
• The study
of human movement.
• Application
of the mechanical principles in the study of living organism.
• The
science of movement of a living body, including how muscles, bones, tendons,
and ligaments work together to produce movement.
• The study
of mechanical principles and actions applied to living bodies. This may involve
looking at the static (nonmoving) or dynamic (moving) systems associated with
various activities.
• The
application of mechanical principles such as engineering to human movement.
From these definitions, you can see how the topics are
similar but not identical. Consider how the following descriptions support the
textbook content:
• Kinesiology
is the study of body movement. It involves anatomy and physiology. Kinesiology
is much bigger than the study of muscles which is more correctly called
• Developing
a treatment plan requires an understanding of kinesiology.
• Biomechanics
is the study of the effects of movement on the body. It involves math and
• Understanding
the effects of the mechanical forces applied to the body during massage
requires an understanding of biomechanics.
Chapters 7, 8, and 9 cover the anatomy and physiology related
to kinesiology. Chapter 10 is about biomechanics. Biomechanics information
expands into assessment procedures that are within the massage therapy scope of
practice. These four chapters combined
go beyond the typical anatomy and physiology content in most science textbooks.
Essentials also covers pathology and targets conditions most
often encountered by massage therapists as well as the conditions often found on
licensing exams.
Schools often have different textbooks for the study of
bones, joints and muscles and pathology. If you explore Essential Sciences you
will find that additional textbooks are not necessary especially when you also
use the appendices at the end of the book.
When writing the first edition of the textbook I made a
radical move in textbook design. I moved
the nervous system and endocrine system to the second unit position –Systems of
Control. My goodness, back then you would have thought
I had rewritten history based on the backlash.
Now we know that massage benefit has as much or more to do with neuro
interface than anatomical muscles. There remains too much emphasis on the
individual study of muscles in my opinion. The muscle chapter in Essentials is
excellent. Functional movement is the
platform and individual muscle study is wrapped in the bigger understanding the
muscle organ, fascia and movement relationships. However, anatomically and physiologically
there is no such thing as an individual muscle.
The nervous system just does not process the rhomboids or the deltoid
but movement and the interaction of multiple structures and functions necessary
to produce movement. Also, research into
benefits of massage indicate that the neuroendocrine homeostatic functions are
most related to relaxation, stress management an pain management , as well as
improvement in functional mobility. I am
pleased that I stuck with this textbook organization. It just makes sense.
In the first unit I also include an overview of health and
disease so that massage therapists have a view of the big picture that relates
to massage outcomes. Other unique nuances
that make the textbook beneficial are practical application features, suggestions
about how to learn and a conversational tone.
I am also invested in writing to support learning theory, using a softer
conversational style and maintaining a reasonable reading level. Most of the content comes in at 9th-10th
grade reading level. This is necessary
in vocational education. Ongoing
scaffolding and novel repetition to support memory means that content must
appear more than once in the textbook. My editors have been supportive and
allow me to have the number of pages whenever possible to support this writing
style. I will admit I am usually in page count trouble. It is a give and take for sure, but the
Evolve site allow for content to be presented electronically when it won’t fit
in the paper book. Just like Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage, Essentials in
written to support evidence informed practice, biological plausibility and critical
I am proud of Essential Sciences for Therapeutic Massage. I strongly
encourage massage therapy educators to use it as the core science textbook instead
of a more general A&P text. Textbooks are expensive, especially generalized
A&P books. My publisher, Elsevier
has an excellent line of academic anatomy, physiology and pathology textbooks. Author Kevin Patton has been supportive and generous,
allowing me to use illustrations, content and answering questions from his comprehensive
A&P textbooks. It is important that authors work in collaboration. Elsevier as a publisher has supported my
vision of author collaboration for the massage therapy textbook line. This means that the textbooks related to
massage mix and match well without confusing students.
I am often asked why I wrote a therapeutic massage theory and
practice textbook and a science textbook instead on combining the two. In my
opinion there is too much information in either of these areas to address in
one book. Elsevier has a combined text written by Susan Salvo for those
educational programs desiring a one book platform and Susan does a great
job. My two foundational textbooks offer
the ability to expand content as well as separate content. Yet when used
together ,Fundamentals and Essentials present a synergetic learning experience
for students and support for teachers.
I teach at my massage therapy school-Health Enrichment
Center- from my own books. My students
act as an ongoing reflection of the value of the content and design. Over the years, students have pointed out
typos, errors, confused writing and ability (or inability ) to comprehend content. If they are confused with my writing and I am
teaching it then it needs to be fixed. Elsevier
is insistent on peer review and I am thankful for all who have made the books
better over the years. I also appreciate
the many students at the school that have influenced the textbooks with whining,
confused looks, questions, suggestions, overwhelm and eventual understanding.
I expect copyedited manuscript for the 6th
edition of Fundamentals and the 5th edition of Essentials this week.
My little hiatus will be over. Hopefully my vision continues to improve, both
related to eye surgeries and more expansively the past, present and future of
therapeutic massage as a profession and path of service. For me, writing textbooks for current and
future teachers and students is a passion. I embrace the responsibility and
understand the importance. I am
committed to excellence in massage therapy practice.
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