I have had to learn to present content so that the repetition feels fresh and not just regurgitation. I recently read about brevity in writing. I rely on my copy editors to reduce wordiness
in my writing. However, I will insist on
repetition of key and foundationally content and concepts. Learning sort of
seeks up on students if they actually study the textbooks.
The textbook design is set up to support competency and
practice skill. Units consist of chapters
bundled into broad topics supporting competency. A unit can be considered a
book within a book. Both Fundamentals and Essential Sciences have 4 units. The chapter
design I use is based on a chunk of content that relates to a skill. Each chapter
is designed like a mini booklet within
the larger unit. I then divide each chapter into sections that covers a
specific aspect of the chapter topic. Each section has its own objectives. I
also have the sections blocked for study segments of 15-30 minutes. At the end of each chapter section is some
sort of feature such as an activity to reinforce the content of the
section. Each chapter has a range of sections from
about 5 – to as many as 20 sections. This design supports how the brain intakes
information. This is an example of Fundamental's design.
1 Therapeutic
Massage as a Profession
2 Ethics,
Professionalism, and Legal Issues
3 Business
Considerations for a Career in Therapeutic Massage
4 Massage
Cultural, Healthcare and Medical Terminology for Professional Record Keeping
5 Research
Literacy and Evidence-Based/Informed Practice
6 Indications
and Contraindications for Therapeutic Massage
7 Hygiene,
Sanitation, and Safety
8 Body
9 Preparation
for Massage: Equipment, Professional Environment, Positioning, and Draping
10 Massage Manipulations
and Techniques
11 Assessment
Procedures for Developing a Care/Treatment Plan
12 Complementary
Bodywork Systems
13 Massage
Career Tracks and Practice Settings
14 Adaptive
15 Wellness
16 Case
Different types of writing help keep the student
engaged. The textbooks have the main
text which is the typically content writing. Then there are boxes ,which can and
in my opinion should be, written in a different style. A box can take the main text content and turn
it into bullet points. Or a box and expand on main text content. A box can tell a story or give an
example. Boxes should not be ignored
when studying a textbook. Textbooks can have features that can be used to
support content retention and more importantly content application. I like practical application features and
activities. Activities that manipulate the
main text content are important learning methods. Sense of humor is important so I use features
to present information with a chuckle.
Story telling is also helpful.
There are activities and other features that tell stories. The most recognizable type of storytelling is
the case study. Fundamentals of Therapeutic
Massage is embedded with case studies and there is an entire chapter of case
studies. All of the case study stories I
write are based on a melding of client experiences I have actually had. I may
mash two or three of my clients into one case study person yet the content is
something from my own professional practice that has challenged me. The format I use for case studies reinforces
the critical thinking and clinical reasoning model.
Figures are also important.
I have strong opinions about photos and drawings. The models have to look like the general
population and also be reflective of population diversity. Figures need to simplify text content.
Summaries and chapter workbook segments should act like a
recap of the chapter. When I write these
pieces I go back to the chapter and section objectives.
When I teach from my own book sI expect the students to read
the assignments, complete the chapter workbooks sections and complete a
multiple choice exam for each chapter. Now
I have been teaching a LONG time so I know that students may or may not complete
the assignments. In the classroom I act as if they have. When I set up daily lesson plans I focus on chapter
and section objectives, boxes, features and activities. We look at
pictures. I do not read from the main
textbook content. Fortunately my
publisher has myself and other educational experts plan all this out for
teachers in what is called TEACH which is available as an instructor support on the
textbook EVOLVE website. I am surprised
at how few educators used these resources.
The textbook Mosby’s Essential Sciences for Therapeutic
Massage is set up the same way. I love Essential
Sciences. The content is comprehensive and mostly importantly ,specifically
framed for massage therapy practice. The next blog will look at the importance
of science content in massage practice and how presenting it to support
professional practice is superior to a generalized science course.
If you look closely at my right eye in the picture at the beginning of the blog you can see my surgurically enhanced eye. This jouney of glaucoma treatment has given my time to reflect. Writing these blogs has been a challenge since my vision is weird. Just like in learning clarity does immerge from the blur.
As a student fortunate enough to learn from these books, I can honestly say they do teach...even 10 years later! I keep them handy in my massage room and refer to them often. I recently looked up muscle firing patterns for hip abduction and have used the dermatome charts many times! Great Books written by a Great Teache with lots of love and forethought...So Greatful!
ReplyDeleteAs a student fortunate enough to have been taught on these books, I agree they teach...even ten years later! I keep my copies in my massage area and refer to them often. Recently I looked up muscle firing patterns for hip abduction and use the dermatome chart regularly. The layout makes fast work of it. Great books written by a Great Teacher with lots of Love and forethought...so Greatful for your insights!