2015 Educational Congress Conference Schedule
July 21-28 Exhibit days July 23-25 Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
COMTA Commissioner Meeting
9:00a-5:00p MTF
Board Meeting
I will not arrive until Wednesday am but I hope that COMTA
Commissioners will be able to finalized the curriculum approval program
announced earlier this year. http://comta.org/
COMTA Endorsed Curriculum statushttp://comta.org/announcing-comta-endorsed-curriculum/
Following is the announcement.
COMTA Announcement – COMTA Endorsed Curriculum – April 2015
The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) is
excited to announce development of a new recognition status available for massage
therapy/bodywork schools and programs, beginning July 2015. In the last few
years, there have been many national conversations about the need for improved
and consistent educational standards in the massage/bodywork field. At the same time, there are many
professionals who object to mandatory accreditation because of the burden for
smaller schools. As a solution, the Commission is developing a new status which
recognizes quality curriculum and instruction without the additional financial
and administrative burden of accreditation.
It is anticipated that this will honor those schools doing exceptional
work, incorporating the COMTA Curriculum Competencies and ELAP Outcomes into
their programs, and help move the profession forward in a more inclusive manner.
It is entitled “COMTA Endorsed Curriculum” and will focus on verifying only the
curriculum and instructors, not the full operations of the school as is done in
accreditation. This will not fulfill the
pre-requisite for Title IV funding or licensure laws which require
accreditation, but it will serve as an independent approval that the curriculum
meets national standards. It can also be a path to accreditation, as it will
become the first step in the accreditation process—all COMTA accredited schools
and programs will receive this added designation as well. Minimum Eligibility
Institution must be authorized/approved by applicable state
agency. Program must meet state licensing requirements and all COMTA Curriculum
Competencies (which are being aligned with ELAP Outcomes). Please look for more
details and information to follow. The
Commission will be also be discussing more details of the status at the
Educational Congress COMTA Open Forum on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 in
Minneapolis, MN. We invite you to join
- See more at:
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
I arrive in the Morning.
The flight from Flint Michigan to Minneapolis is a short one and no
connecting flight. Good thing since I
still cannot see very well from the glaucoma surgeries. I am REALLY interested
in attending the COMTA pre conference sessions described below. I am glad that
an open discussion time is available and that the afternoon session is going to
openly discuss the current “elephant in the room” issue related to the Massage

9:00a-5:00p MTF
Board Meeting
COMTA Free Session: Open Forum
(separate registration required)
COMTA Free Sessions: Matching
Massage Education with Career Opportunity (separate registration required)
• Title: Is
‘Massage Franchise’ a Dirty Word? Addressing a Gap between Massage Education
and the New Frontier of Providers
• Title:
What does ‘Placement’ mean for massage?
Educational Congress Registration
Educational Congress Exhibitor Set-up
Most of the Publishers are going to be attending the
Congress so I am excited to meet with everyone.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Breakfast sponsored by Elements Massage
Early ---but I will be there. Please, if you see me and want
to chat just come on over. I always have an opinion and most are pretty good. I tend to wander around looking lost because
often I am-ha. It ok.
Visit Exhibitors
I really like that the exhibitors are included in all
ALLIANCE meeting functions. I also
expect that Pete will be walking around with his sweet bell attempting to get
us all in the room and focused.
Conference Opening
The official beginning of this Land Mark meeting. This type of gathering has been a dream of
mine for many years.
11:00a-11:30a Break
and visit exhibitors
Keynote Speaker: James Oschman
I have met and talked with James Oschman multiple times. He spoke at the first Massage Therapy Foundation
research meeting years ago. I met him
through Dr. Chaitow prior to that meeting. I am aware that there has been some
controversy over having him speak at the Congress because of is focus on energy
based medicine. However, in my opinion
James Oschman is a visionary and, like many in that category, are well ahead of
current thinking. I have followed his
work for years and will admit he thinks at the “theoretical edge of plausibility “as we currently understand it.
But so have most visionaries. So yes, he
is “out there” but so was Star Trek and consider how many of the science fiction concepts back
then are now part of our daily existence.
• Working
Together for a Bright Future for our Professions
12:30p-2:00p Lunch
and visit exhibitors
Most of the really good stuff at meetings like this happen
in the halls and at the exhibits. I recommend
you eaves drop on as many conversations as possible. Learn by mingling. Ask questions. Reach out.
2:00p-2:30p The
Destiny of Massage – David Lauterstein
I love David. We go
way back.
Congressional Updates and Industry Projects
This segment of the congress is important. MAKE SURE YOU ARE THERE
• S4OM
5:30p-7:30p Welcome
Reception sponsored by Massage Envy Spas: Visit Exhibitor & Network – Chair
Massage Fundraiser for the MTF
I REPEAT: Most of the really good stuff at meetings like
this happen in the halls and at the exhibits. I recommend you eaves drop on as many
conversations as possible. Learn by
mingling. Ask questions. Reach out.

7:30p-on Dinner
on your own—Reach out and invite someone you just met to share a meal.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Visit exhibitors
The Exhibitors are a great place to hang out and mingle.
Come find me and chat.
AFMTE Business Meeting
Please attend the Alliance business meeting and get
involved. This organization is immerging
as a guiding light in the future of massage.
I am a founding member. I have been to all of the meetings. I encourage
all to get involved.

10:30a-11:00a Break
and Visit Exhibitors
Remember to listen in on conversations, introduce yourself
and join in.
11:00a-12:30p NTESP
– Teacher Training Curriculum Development Committee Report and Educators of the
My passion is teaching and teaching teachers to improve
their teaching. Teaching is a commitment
to service.
Lunch and visit exhibitors
Breakout Sessions
The presenters are excellent. I know most of them and
excited to meet the couple I have not met.
You will not be disappointed regardless of the topics you choose. Here is
my take on what each has to offer
• Title:
How to Write Test Questions – Mary O’Reilly
This session should help educators understand how to prepare
students to succeed on the MBLEX exam.
If you understand how a text question is designed you will better
prepare students to take multiple choice exams.
• Title:
The 21st Century Classroom – Susan Salvo
This session should open up expanded educational delivery
processes. This would be an important
session for those educators who are, let’s say, older who are struggling a bit
as they adapt to new technology, younger students and want to adapt. I would think this session would be great for
brand new teachers as well.
• Title: Redesigning Curriculum: Touch Education for our Changing World – Linda Derick
Yup—guess what we have to change curriculum. The ELAP is here to stay and other factors
are influencing how we organize the content and teaching experience. It
appears Linda will show how to be innovative as we all need to review and
revise curriculum.
• Title:
Reinventing the Lecture – Anne Williams, ABMP
I can imagine that Anne has excellent information to help
teachers break free of the tendency to hypnotize students during a lecture
session. If you know you talk too much
when you teach this may be the session for you.
4:00-5:00p Breakout
Goodness, I don’t know what to choose- these all sound
great. So none of us can be everywhere
so let’s all share with each other during
• Title:
How to Get published/working with Publishers – F.A. Davis
This is the one I will likely attend since I am an author
and willing to chat with those wanting to write for our profession.
• Title:
Cultivating New Teachers – NTTCDC
This is my passion so I may sneak in.
• Title: Make that an App – Jeff Harmon
This session is really intriguing.
• Title: Collaborating Toward Increasing Enrollment for the Career of Massage Therapy
This topic is relevant for all of us school owners.
5:00p-6:00p Visit
Yes—time to chat with others so we can find out what
happened in all the sessions we could not attend.
6:00p – on
Dinner on your own
Mix it up. Those of us who have been around a long time-lets
reach out to the new attendees and invite them to share time.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Morning Memorial Walk (optional)
Yes this is optional but touches the soul.

Visit Vendors
Support the vendors—They support us.
Breakout Sessions
NCBTMB Board Meeting
I may have to stick my head in on the NCBTMB meeting
As before—what to choose. All so relevant. This meeting is just rich.
• Title:
The Science and Soul of Teaching – David Lauterstein
• Title:
Student Outcomes – Tony Mirando, NACCAS
• Title: Education Research in Massage – Janet Kahn,
Martha Menard
• Title: Creating Exciting Content for Social Media –
Stephanie Beck, SRB Solutions
Lunch and Visit Exhibitors
I suggest that individuals who attended the various breakout
sessions mix it up over lunch and share.
How about groups of 4 made up of those who attended different sessions.
Breakout Sessions
Again- great topics.
I do know where I will be.
• Title: Teach Yourself to be a Teacher – Sandy Fritz
• Title:
Research and Evidence Informed Practice: Bringing the big picture into the
classroom and clinic – Whitney Lowe, Deb Hill, Martha Brown Menard, and
Jerrilyn Cambron
• Title: Show and Tell Technology in the Classroom –
Kate Zulaski, BA, COMTA
• Title: Secondary Data Analysis – Virginia Cowen
Break & Visit Exhibitors
Closing Ceremony
Openings and closings—circles and spirals.

Exhibitors Dismantle Display
Sunday, July 26, 2015
I leave today. I am confident
I will be full of hope. It is time take
the next steps. Everything is in
place. Those that are staying through
Monday ,I thank you for your service.
AOBTA Free Session: Creating ABT Curriculum Competencies: A
Collaborative Work Session (separate registration required)
S4OM: Board Meeting (S4OM
educators invited to attend)
AFMTE: Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, July 27, 2015
These is still time to register and attend. I know it is
expensive. I donated my time to the
Alliance so I am paying my own way. I
understand the hit to the bank account. This meeting is important. Educators, if you must choose from all the
meetings and can only afford in time and money to attend one- let this be the
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